Sunday 2 November 2014

So today is one of the days I want to write without thinking why and just spilling some random thoughts about life and my present self.
I've always had this passion for recording my daily grind: It is like that when I'm about to turn 19 years and it has been that way when I was 7 and I recorded myself while I was reading the news to my old webcam. And sometimes I wonder where and with who I will be in the next 5 years, and I just have no idea how much I will develop in photography, fitness, happiness, friendship or any other issue but I'm glad that it has been the way it had, and I'm glad I have thousands of pictures, hundred of posts, more than 15 social networks and random pictures and videos taken with my webcam because memories are priceless and all the pictures and videos I have are a reflection of my growth. And when I see myself with 9 years reading the dictionary in English and trying to pronounce every sylable, when I flickr through my self-portraits when I was 13 and I decided it was time to make some self-portraits while studying, when I see every little glimpse of my life I decided to record... I couldn't be happier that I'm doing this.

Hoy es uno de los días que quiero escribir sin pensar por qué y simplemente derramar algunos pensamientos al azar sobre la vida y mi yo presente.

Siempre he tenido esta pasión por el registro de mi rutina diaria : Es así ahora que estoy a punto de cumplir 19 años y ha sido de la misma manera cuando yo tenía siete años y me grabé a mí misma mientras leía las noticias a mi vieja webcam . Y a veces me pregunto ¿Dónde y qué voy a estar haciendo en los próximos 5 años? Y no tengo ni idea cuánto se desarrollará mi fotografía, la salud, la felicidad , la amistad o cualquier otro tema,  pero me alegro de que haya sido de la forma que ha sido, y me alegro de que tenga miles de fotos , cientos de posts , más de 15 redes sociales e imágenes aleatorias y de vídeos tomadas con mi cámara web. Porque los recuerdos no tienen precio y todas las imágenes y vídeos que tengo son un reflejo de mi crecimiento.Y cuando me veo a mí misma con 9 años leyendo el diccionario de Inglés y tratando de pronunciar cada sílaba, ojeando mis autorretratos de cuando tenía 13 años y decidí que era de hacer algo mientras estudiaba, cuando veo cada destello de mi vida que decidí grabar... yo no podría estar más feliz que yo estoy haciendo esto.

Thursday 23 October 2014

The truth he whispered caught her unaware.
As if she tried avoiding it all this time, as if the thought flashed trough her mind billions of times. As a hidden reality, as a fairy tale she never succeeded to believe.
Being plunged into a constant silence, a cold hug and some hollow words that reality stroke her as distant and utopic. 
But there they were, and even though the words he whispered were too beautiful to be true, it turned out to be that once again reality surpassed fiction.

La verdad que él susurró la pilló desprevenida. 
Como si hubiese intentado evitarla todo este tiempo, como si ese pensamiento hubiese pasado por su cabeza billones de veces pero de manera fugaz y repentina. Como una realidad encubierta, como un cuento de hadas en el que no llegaba a creer.
Habiendo estado sumida en un silencio constante, un abrazo frío y unas palabras huecas aquella realidad se le antojaba distante y utópica.
Pero ahí estaban, y aunque las palabras que susurró eran demasiado bonitas para ser verdad resultó ser que otra vez la realidad superó la ficción.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

My first model photo-shoot

It was at the beginning of September after a long Summer abandoning photography. I was exhausted and I felt that I needed to relax and that's what I did. And man didn't if feel good? The thing is, on September I decided to do something I always promised myself to do: A photo-shooting to a model, and that is how I contacted Valeria Lazareva and the rest is what you can see right here.
It was a good summer afternoon, not too hot nor cold. Between the sea and the promenade, my pictures were taken.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

52 weeks project?

So I write it here because is just a thought I'm having and it might not develop but I don't have as much people reading my blog as other sites so here goes my idea of opening a 52 weeks project as I did when I got my first DSLR, but this time just with self-portraits. Oh I remember how much I improved and how happy was I when I finished it. I would love to have this experience once again but I have to think carefully about it.

And that's all I had to say.