Friday, 30 March 2012

Day 103
Today I was really sleepy because last night I barely had sleep because I've been with some friends being stupid the whole night, I really really had fun!

We went mainly to Leeds and Canterbury's castle and spend the whole day there, at lunch we could only eat at a fish and chip's place... and they ran out of fish. I ate so many chips I don't feel like eating them in a looooong time! Nothing much has really happened today and I didn't take much pictures because yesterday I forgot to load my camera's battery... big fail!

Day 101
The first thing we did today was go to 'Tower bridge', we spent there some hours and then we all headed to Candem town. This girl caught my eye in the middle of the crowded Candem town market, I saw so many lovely people there, so different from the rest of the society, everybody being so young and they seemed so reckless... I loved it! It felt like the young paradise every teenager was looking for. 

After that we had  to go by tube for the very first time on our own and the result was unexpectedly good! Once we were near the hotel my friends and I decided to buy some snacks and stayed in a lovely square which was near the hotel, we spent some quality time there surrounded by trees and yellow flowers and decided to go to the hotel again!

Day 100

Oh my god, 100 pictures non-stopping! I can't believe I've made it! Almost the third of the project made, I'm shrieking! 

Okay. Today I really didn't know which picture to put as first one, I've taken an overwhelmingly number of pictures, I've seen for the first time London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Natural history museum... And for me is a pity to just put one picture as the main one, but I've choosen this one. This picture symbolizes a crowded shopping afternoon in London and all its racial variety. Just look at every single face, every glance is a world, every soul is about to be absolutely forgotten and to never be seen again.

I don't know what else to say, today I've seen a lot of things, I've taken tons of pictures and I'm just able to upload some of them, I hope you get more or less how my day has been by seeing them!

Day 99

I tried not to sleep today becaus I was overly excited but I couldn't help it at the end and slept one hour. Later we were all in the bus heading to Granada and we stood there for some hours. Oh well! The trip in general was exhausting even though I was half as tired as everyone else was, they were simply dead! Most of the people weren't used to long unending trips so they were all in a really bad mood, I was really excited because I was finally arriving to England so I couldn't stop grinning and doing silly stuff.

Once we were there I was crazy, literally, reading every single advertisement and enjoying every little inch of the airport. Then we went to the bus to the hotel and I saw for the first time London and its people. Ohhh my! Wasn't I crazy? I sang tons of songs with my friends and I started to feel hoarse (And we were still on the first day of the trip). Once we were in the hotel and in our room Laury and I started watching videos on the TV, after a quite disgusting supper we went out and visited London for the first time, precisely Soho and when I saw this big and awesome Freddie Mercury I couldn't help but grin.

(I was about to put this picture as today's one, but I thought that the result looked kinda horrible)

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Day 98

Within a matter of hours I'll be heading to England once again with my schoolyear, I'M THRILLED!
I've been waiting for this moment for soooooooooooooo long! Seriously, I don't know how I'll come back, how many experiences friends and lovely moments I'll gain, what I will lose, how many times I will get sad, and nervous, and happy. OH GOD! In just some hours I'm there. In a plane. Flying with my best mates to that lovely land which I love. For a whole week. My dream come true!
About this project, I'll take pleeeeeenty of pictures there, and as I did on the exam period I will be uploading them once I come back! 
There's nothing else I'd like to add, I'd just ramble if I kept typing, so that's it. GOODBYE! 

Day 97 
Suitcase done! I'm just taking two or three t-shirts to London and whatnot, I simply fulled my whole suitcase with CDs because that'd be the thing I need the most for going abroad, isn't it?!?! Nah. Jokes. I just put aaaaaaaaalll those CDs for the picture. Today has been a really really tiring day! I had to walk quite a lot buying stuff for the trip and I did not stop a moment! I can't believe I'm actually going to England in one day! My classmates could have been tired of listening to me shouting all day about the trip, but the truth is they are also excited so they don't ask me to shut up! YAYS! 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Day 96

Mmm. I know I could have done this way better or have used an oh-so-cool conceptual message. But these days I just can think about the trip to London and everything that involves it. I'm obsessed with it. Just two days left!
Also, I was about to take this picture at night with those pretty little bokeh lights but I did some trials at morning and the light bulb ended up falling because of the wind. I'm so smart!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Day 95

Okay. So I made it, I'm back on track with the project again!

I'll explain this once again in case somebody haven't got what I've been saying the whole week.
When exams started, I stopped uploading pictures to this blog because I was too busy studying but I kept taking the daily picture. On Thursday, when I finished exam I started to edit all the pictures that I didn't edit because of the exams and start to submit them here, but I had quite a lot of pictures and today, Sunday, I finally uploaded all the pictures that I had left. So I'm back on track.
Which is kinda useless that I tell you this now because next Thursday I'm going to London which means that I'll be a whole week without uploading stuff, and when I'm back I'll find myself with more than 1,000 pictures to choose from while I still have to keep taking a daily picture.

And about this picture, I had this idea in mind for a while. If you haven't noticed I'm floating, and I want you to notice because this picture took me since midday to twilight to edit. Literally. But finally the idea that I had in mind came out as I've planned it. More or less. But I'm satisfied. I'm supposedly talking on the phone while I'm with the computer. NEVERMIND!

Day 94
Today I had a really typical familiar day.
I would usually complain, but it was okay because I'll spend a whole week abroad so I don't mind not going out with my friends.
We went to take a walk at the beach and later we went to a 'Wok' restaurant where you could eat massive quantities of food. I ended up with my stomach almost exploding, but it was a nice experience. 
I tasted for the first time sushi and it was.... weird. And then I ate meat covered with candy and it was... even weirder!

Day 93
Today I didn't really have much time to take a picture. 
They gave us some marks and so far so good! I'm really satisfied with my marks, I guess all the effort was worth it!
I came home and kept editing old pictures for this challenge, then I took a shower and I went shopping for some clothes to London! I bought some smart clothes because I have none and I'm sure they will let us go party some nights.
I. Love. Not. Studying.

Day 92

(Damn. My face looks weird as FUCK. I don't know. That's how it turned out.)

Oh. I also have to start editing/uploading all the pictures I've been taking the whole week and that I couldn't do then because of the exams, they are 7 in total I guess, but oh well. OH WELL. LIFE IS BRILLIANT RIGHT NOW.
I wanted to match with the pear but the colours didn't work out. So there you have it. Oh god. This picture is BORING.

Day 91
I know, I know! Enough of the plain background, right? I've tried to do more things but none of them work out when I'm supposed to be studying. I wanted to use my sister's injured arm and make it look quite innocent, so that's why I asked her to wear tons of bracelets and to hold my teddy Pierre!
nd guess what guys? THIS IS THE VERY LAST DAY STUDYING! Tomorrow I have maths and then I'll be free!! FREE! And I'll go to London and I'll live happily ever after there! Okay. It's just one week

Day 90

I've just noticed I use the same pose when I can't take a good picture or, as today, I developed a concept and came out awfully bad.
I hated this picture, so I decided to change it a little bit in order not to repeat pose all the time and I added stripes. Stupid right?! I don't know. I stare at the stripes because it's like they are showing the real skin, while the other one looks more artificial.

Day 89
Well hello everyone! This is my alter ego Guado. Do you see him? He supports liverpool and has the same watch and bracelet than I do. 
A wig.
I wanted to see how I would look as a boy!
Today I came home really happy because I did my history exam and now I feel waaaaaaaay better because I just have three exams left and one of them is English! HURRAY!

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Day 88
Sorry for the texts, I know they are being kinda poor lately but with all the study thingy I find myself stuck in it without really noticing anything that's going on outside my room.
Today has been really reallly annoying, I've had to revise history forever and I haven't started with philosophy yet. Yays.

Day 87

Today I've spent the whole day studying history. I don't really mind doing so but I also have to study maths because I'm totally gonna fail if I don't start studying now.
I hate it! If I only had to study one subject I would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay happier than if I had to study for 4 subjects.

I'd also be way happier if I didn't have to study, obviously!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Day 86
Something a little bit different from usual because as you can see I'm smiling!Well, yes. This picture actually has a purpose. I'm not really into 'Blinking' at pictures, but I'm doing the 100 theme challenge and the theme was 'Blink' so I just mixed the happiness that today is Friday (Even though I still  have  a lot of exams next week) with the theme of the challenge, and the outcome is a barbie wannabe!I didn't know if I should choose this picture, or the outcropped version, but I guess the cropped version is better. I also had another picture from today but I looked serious and I wanted to vary a little bit :)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Day 85
You might be wondering why am I uploading so many self-portraits. 
Well, these days I have no time for decent shots, I can't almost think about anything else that doesn't have anything to do with inserting useless knowledge to my head. So I need to take half an hour to relax my mind for it not to explode. And when I have that gap hour I eat AND take the picture. Obviously I'm lacking of ideas in half an hour, and I always end up doing a dull portrait.
Actually, this picture reminds m of this day's picture, but with different colours obviously, and in this one my skin looks NATURAL! I always tend to exaggerate the whiteness on my pictures, but it was intentional since the very beginning; On winter I would do white skin pictures, but as the summer is arriving, the skin is changing to a more tanned look...But I will still upload white skin pictures because I like 'em!

Day 84
Sorry for this!
Today I'm really, REALLY stressed out. I need to study a lot and the day seems so short to succeed all my studying goals! Plus, I have to wake up early at morning to study even more. 
And yes. The shadow in my face was intentional, I look awful.

Day 83
It's funny how photography can show something that has nothing to do with what I'm feeling right now.

This suggests me freedom. I'm caged.
I hate studying and I might just stay all this week moaning about the same thing! Luckily the exams are going well, and I can't do nothing but think about my coming trip to London!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Day 82 
Things that you can see here:
1.My mug with nesquick in it.
2. One out of the 32173921132 blue pens I have that always end up broken.
3.My economics book with all the post-its and stuff.
4.White sheets  where I write stuff to memorize it afterwards.
5. The 'tactics' book: English grammar and vocabulary.
6.Yellow French book.
7.Tiny larousse French dictionary.
8.Gramática y práctica: Spanish grammar.
9.My camera and iPod cable.
10. The camera erm... lens cover?
11.The tripod attachment to the camera.

Oh yes. That all symbolizes what today and every day until Thursday will be.

Exam period.
It will be awful.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Day 81
Today I aimed for a very colourful picture, looking at a more commercial photography with all those eye-catching and maybe exaggerated colours, the model is my lil sis!

Holy shit. I should be  now reading a classical Spanish book for Wednesday's exam. 
Today the day has been AWESOME. I did a lot of things like studying economics, biology, Spanish, maths, French and... ECONOMICS AGAIN! My life is so good at the moment. I love staying the whole day studying without doing anything else! And what about not having enough time to do all the horrible study you oughta do? THAT IS DOPE.


Day 80
I saw your face in a crowded place, and I don't know what to do, 'cause I'll never be with you. -James Blunt

3:00 AM in the morning and I'm tired as hell till 10:00 PM because today I've been studying like crazy, but  24 hrs doesn't seem enough to study all that I need to learn.

It will never happen.
This utopia is coming again to my head, I thought it left long time ago but it was just hibernating, waiting for any moment to go out and haunt my thoughts and twist my world upside down without letting me react. I'm hopeless.
What was the spark that it let that already burnt candle shine again? The little flame will end up burning the forest if I don't water it at the right time, it will spoil everything that I've built within it's absence. But I just couldn't help but see. I couldn't help but admire him once again.
Was I in the darkness all this time or it is now when I will wrap up in the adventurous game of his mysterious mind? 
I'll have to break the chains now that I can and look for the light before the darkness surrounds me and sinks me into the most beautiful imaginations.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Day 79
Sorry for this picture!
(Today I came home later than expected and I had to use the damn flash, plus I was really really tired!)

Today I went with my school year to eat somewhere in order to cheer up a friend of ours who's having a rough time, later we went to tons of places which I might not describe so you don't get bored and here am I, extremely sleepy but listening to French podcasts because I want to learn French so badly.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Day 78

Oh my. Today I've been so... how to describe it? Efficient might be the word.
I didn't stop doing stuff and the best thing is that I wasn't exhausted once I finished doing work (Which was like one hour ago) Oh well. It sucks though, just thinking about next week and it chills my bones.

And about the picture... I know pictures lately are being too simple and boring, but I honestly have no time for well-executed and worked shots, I just can do this ones, without tripod or anything. I have tons of ideas in mind, so don't desperate! Stuff will come once I finish exams... in 14 days exactly.