Saturday, 23 June 2012

Day 143

Today has been another crazy day. As you can see here, I'm wearing flip-flops, and I would be lying if I told you that I don't spend 90% of the summertime being either barefoot or with flip-flops. No matter where I go. They are just so comfy! No socks! I love them. Anyways. The reason why I took this picture is because it's really similar to this one, but the mood is just so different! I don't think I can relate with anything that happened back then with now. Everything has changed so much. I met some people that really twisted my world. I'm changing. I know it. I'm doing nothing but reacting to everything that has been happening the last three months.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Day 142

Today was the first day in the whole week that I decided to relax and don't do anything. Today is Sunday, so it's the right day to stay at home chilling out. But I decided that I wanted to take some pictures and I went outside and ate a delicious ice-cream (Cookies and nutella) so it was nice. In this picture I'm showing you what my city is like on Sunday. You cannot see a young soul. It's like all the old people go for a walk and they chat while they enjoy of a sunny day. And even though sometimes I find that thought depressing, I guess that it's kinda lovely to see all that people spending their day outside instead of being locked in their houses tweeting or just wasting their days. Oh no. I'm not saying that that is bad, I just wish that our generation was a little bit different. Including me.

Day 141

Oh my. I feel completely unsatisfied with the edition of this picture. Really. It looks so boring. So plain. So... uncolored. But oh well, it took me forever to edit this, and the graphic tablet was driving me crazy. I'll improve. Eventually. Hopefully.

I've almost spent a whole week of holidays! And it feels good. Everyday is full of things to do; going to the beach, going for a walk, buying stuff,... Keeping myself entertained at the end of the day. For not to think. To avoid any thought that might lead to him. And I'm doing fine.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Day 140

So after almost a week, there you have the so-called mac I've bought! It gave me headaches (And still does) but I'm eventually finding the solution to every problem I'm having with it, specially the ones relating to Photoshop. So here I am, editing all the pictures of this crazy but lovely week, even though I'm taking a lot of time for editing every picture, and it's way harder than when I do the same with the other computer, and the outcome is not as good. I guess it's all about getting used to it, or at least, I hope so!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Day 139

Okay. So this picture which might look like the simplest thing ever and that it wouldn't even take me an hour to edit, took me two and a half.Almost three. What would take 5 minutes to do with Photoshop in my old PC takes me 15 minutes to do on my new mac with Photoshop. I'm getting really, really nervous! It's just everything so different, the tablet doesn't work properly (too slow) and the trackpad is... I don't know how to explain it. I'm just so unused to all of this! I need to practice a lot, but it's quite hard when I'm used to work with Photoshop so easily, and now I'm being sooo slow and everything is being soooo confusing. Oh my. Sorry if I take a lot to upload pictures.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Day 138


So what you see on the first picture is how my room has been until today. As real as it gets. A big chaos which can't really be put into a picture (It was way messier) and on the second picture you have my room after 3 hours of recovery!
Today has been a really good day mainly because I didn't stop doing stuff. I woke up, I went to have breakfast with some friends, then to tidy up my room, library, nap, go out for a walk, finally answered and wrote a new journal on deviantART... I'm pleased!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Day 137
(I have one exam left in one week but it's so easy I won't even consider it an exam)

Today when I finished the history exam I was literally over the moon!
Celebrating that exams are over, we went to the beach and I decided to bring my camera (Which I actually shouldn't have to, on the beach there are many thieves, so I was quite nervous)
But I noticed that I wanted to show you my city. It has a beach. You probably didn't know that because I hardly ever show you any spot of Almería. But I'm willing to do it, summer is long and I still have tons of day left of this project to do so!
Oh my. I can't believe summer is here.

Today I went with my friends to have lunch, then we went to the beach and it was extremely windy and I ended up at home watching football (What a surprise)

Day 136

Today is Sunday. I've spent almost the whole day watching sports: Tennis, Football, F1... I'll end up watching all the UEFA euro, and it's completely fine with me. Because tomorrow I have the very last exam and I can't cope with anything else. It was 7 and I noticed I didn't take any picture, so in the break of Spain-Italy I took my camera and took a picture watching the skyline on my city. As you can see, I'm tired. My head aches. And so does my neck. But it will all be over, tomorrow.

Day 135
Here you have another shot of my eye, this one a little bit more steady than this one.
Today is Saturday, the last weekend that I have to study until September. And I can't really focus. I'd be lying if I told you that I actually give a damn. I'm tired of exams!

Day 134
Click on the picture for a higher resolution!

I have three exams left, three exams left and if everything goes fine I'm completely free!
Here you have a cold shot, for everyone who's willing to get a breath of fresh air, like me.

Day 133

I can't focus. I try my best but I can't. Spring is so present on our daily life everybody's going crazy.No one feels like studying anymore. Heat is invading our homes. Books are as boring as ever. People is as interesting as ever. I. Need. To. Focus. BUT I JUST CAN'T. 

Come on, this is the last effort...

Day 132
Booring self-portait. I introduce you to my big nose.

Day 131

I guess you are probably getting more than sick and tired of my self portaits, well:

1. I'm spending the whole day studying so I just go out home to do exams.
2. I'm tired. Emotionally, physically, that is why my expressions are so neutral and I look constantly stunned at stuff. 
3. My house it's not precisely the best space in the world to take any kind of pictures because it's a not well-illuminated flat. I try my best.

I'll try to vary a little bit more once exams are over, sorry guys!

Day 130
''Shh. Don't talk, because a wall takes more than a week to be built.''

Day 129
Okay. So this might be the creepiest portrait in the world. I don't know. I think that everything looks so symetric, the shadow, the expression, it's so cold. It's like a recently made robot. But I guess I'm just like a robot lately with all the amount of exams I have to do. 

Day 128

Today exams started! I have no time for almost anything, so there you have a simple picture of my eye, the only part of my body I'm actually proud of! And I know, it's quite shitty because I was quite shaky when taking the picture, sorry!

Day 127

Today a lot of things got together and I could do nothing but cry. At last. Finally everything went out. I'm not really sure if it felt good or bad, I guess I'm just tired of exams, heartaches and dumb friends. 
I guess it's something necessary. To cry.
And some people is cruel enough to say hard stuff without even caring the impact their words might have. Today I cry because people have been too harsh, and some other people have been too nice.

Day 126

Today I bring you a simple shot, just flowers and a tree to get you all into the Spring mood!
A mood which I can't really feel due to exams, today I had to study a lot. Oh well. Exams are almost over!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Day 125
I won't be uploading pictures for a week or a little bit more. Because today, my final exams started and I just can't cope with it and uploading the daily picture at the same time.
That doesn't mean that I stop the project. I'll keep taking the daily picture even though I'm not here, I'll just upload them later all of a sudden when the exams are over!

Today I had the philosophy test, which was quite easy, but tomorrow I have Spanish and I'm really nervous! Ahhh god I hate exams.
The picture I'm uploading today is for a photography contest about 'Drug dependence' and in this picture I'm trying to show how when a person is into drugs they forget about everything else in life. Everything.

So yes guys, wish me luck and see you in one week!

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Day 124
This picture looks too sharpened on this size, enlarge it!

Today I took a picture for a contest, and I needed a flower so badly for it, the light was just perfect and I couldn't wait to go and buy one so I... erm... I stole this flower. But hey! Who would notice! Just a little flower of a huuuuuuuuuuuuge park! And I needed it for creative purposes. So I don't feel bad. 
Anyways! The picture is taken, this picture was taken just afterwards the main shot was taken, the reason why I didn't upload the picture is because I need some time to edit it, and today I had no time because of the time-consuming exams.

Besides that, yay! Today this blog got 500+ visits!
It might sound foolish, but I actually feel so happy when I see that the people actually cares about this little space of mine, so thanks to everyone that has ever passed by!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Day 123
Day one two three! Lol.
Today I had to study a lot, but I kinda managed to take a picture and I'm satisfied with the outcome. I don't know what else I can say, because I didn't leave my house in all day, and the heat which has invaded Spain was really driving me mad and making the task of studying very VERY hard. The book in the picture is 'Mockingjay', no particular reason, I was just in a rush and it's the first book I saw! 

Day 122

Today the picture is quite greenish, and green is my favourite colour so it's perfectly fine with me. 
I'm so tired at the moment! Today I woke up and went with my class and my teacher to have breakfast, then we wad English exam, came home studied a little bit and went out to see Bea's prom, I also edited yesterday's pictures, so it wasn't as if I could point high with today's picture. 

About my exams:
This weekend, and everyday until 11th June will be hell. I don't know if I'll be able to upload pictures, if you see that days are passing and that I'm not uploading them don't worry, I'm still taking and editing every picture at the right time, it's just that I will lack of time to upload them because of all the exams, luckily this will be the last time in all this school year that I have to do this! YAY!

Day 121
Today I went to Barcelona.
I woke up really early (6 AM) and went to the airport. In a matter of hours I was already there and after doing some hospital stuff I had the chance to spend, as every year, a whole day in Barcelona, wondering through its streets and getting involved in one of the best cities I've ever been to. I love seeing some many people, from so many places, all conveyed in little space. It could be annoying, indeed, but I didn't feel that way. In conclusion, I spent a good day which was like a rest from my kinda stressful daily routine, and guess what..
.I'm getting a Macbook Air!
I couldn't be happier when my dad told me that he was going to buy me a new computer because the one that I have is wrecked and that I would need a good laptop for university. So yes, yes yes yes yes! I will get it in a week or so, I can't wait!