(19) Days of summer.
And as every bad thing in life dramatically comes, and every good thing in life fortunately comes, exams finished. It is weird to think that was the last time I was going to do an exam until I entered to university, and the feeling of leaving the building made all the effort, the tears, the sleepless nights and the heart-wrenching mornings worth it. Because this year I've learnt a lot. I've learnt what it's like to sacrifice for something, for a goal. I also learnt that I'm a morning student and that I can't study at night because I would fall asleep. I've learnt philosophy, maths, spanish, english, french, economics, geography... And I've learnt that although they are important subjects, the only thing I've truly discovered this year is that I am able to reach my goals because I have the strength of doing so. And that, is the best thing I've learnt this year.Now I can throw all my essays and books away because they are useless for what is yet to come... Welcome summer.