Sunday 4 March 2012

Day 80
I saw your face in a crowded place, and I don't know what to do, 'cause I'll never be with you. -James Blunt

3:00 AM in the morning and I'm tired as hell till 10:00 PM because today I've been studying like crazy, but  24 hrs doesn't seem enough to study all that I need to learn.

It will never happen.
This utopia is coming again to my head, I thought it left long time ago but it was just hibernating, waiting for any moment to go out and haunt my thoughts and twist my world upside down without letting me react. I'm hopeless.
What was the spark that it let that already burnt candle shine again? The little flame will end up burning the forest if I don't water it at the right time, it will spoil everything that I've built within it's absence. But I just couldn't help but see. I couldn't help but admire him once again.
Was I in the darkness all this time or it is now when I will wrap up in the adventurous game of his mysterious mind? 
I'll have to break the chains now that I can and look for the light before the darkness surrounds me and sinks me into the most beautiful imaginations.