Sunday 4 March 2012

Day 81
Today I aimed for a very colourful picture, looking at a more commercial photography with all those eye-catching and maybe exaggerated colours, the model is my lil sis!

Holy shit. I should be  now reading a classical Spanish book for Wednesday's exam. 
Today the day has been AWESOME. I did a lot of things like studying economics, biology, Spanish, maths, French and... ECONOMICS AGAIN! My life is so good at the moment. I love staying the whole day studying without doing anything else! And what about not having enough time to do all the horrible study you oughta do? THAT IS DOPE.



  1. You... You love studying? o.O

    Anyway, I love the colours in todays picture. I've been having a great day and this picture kinda describes my mood all day. :)

    1. OH MY NO! I WAS BEING SARCASTIC! hahhahaha
