Monday 16 July 2012

Day 168

Sometimes, the right thing doesn't always feel right. But in this case, the wrong thing feels right. Not the kind of right that leaves you in a  peaceful mood. The kind of right that leaves you gasping, crying, thinking why the things went the way they went, how come that nothing goes the way you want them to. The kind of right that won't let you sleep, that will keep you restless, waiting for an answer that will never come, even though the question is asked. 
Is the kind of right that keeps you thinking 'I did everything I could, but didn't he love me more than that? Wasn't I worth it? Is he hiding his feelings?'. I'd give all my savings for a simple answer.
I hate it. It's unfair. I deserve better. I deserve an answer. But I won't ever have it.

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