Wednesday 28 December 2011

Day 14

Winter depression: May consist of difficulty waking up in the morning, morning sickness, tendency to oversleep and over eat, especially a craving for carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain. Other symptoms include a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating on or completing tasks, and withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities. All of this leads to the depression, pessimistic feelings of hopelessness, and lack of pleasure which characterize a person suffering from this disorder.” -Wikipedia

And winter depression is what I intended to symbolize with this picture! Today I forced myself to go out in order to avoid this 'winter depression'.When I read those words on wikipedia I felt completely identified by them, I have winter depression, and I know a lot of people do! But today when I woke up I did all the things I had to do, and I didn't feel like, but I rejected the thought of staying at home wasting another day, so I went out with Manu and Patricia and had churros (As always). It was necessary for me to go out and feel the activity and to meet with a lot of friends while I was walking. Winter depression is like being half dead, I think today I felt alive. Will tomorrow come again this winter depression? Who knows!

A special thanks to Naucha and Frania for the lovely encouraging messages they've left in this post. 
The reason why I was so discouraged is that I saw this girl who started photography at the same time as me and has my age, and she's so talentd, and her pictures are so professional, and in comparison mine are crappy so I thought (And I still do but I'm getting over it) that I have 0 talent and that I wish I was as good as her.


  1. Oo
    I've never heard about it.
    But you feel that way every winter?
    I googled it and ended up on "Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)". That's funny. It's called "sad".;P Damn, I'm stupid.

    And about the girl, well, someone already said: there's always be some asian kid better than you anyway.

    So, all the cliches and songs, carry on, don't stop believing, brighter days will come, bla bla bla. ;D

    (By the way, if you listened to Motörhead you'd never get depressed, trust me, I know things.)

  2. I love this shot.

    You look so depressed, with all this snow, but you also look shiny (thanks to your hair, maybe ? ah ah :p) and like you were about to improve your mood, or something like that. Yeah, it would make more sense in french ... Anyway, I really love this shot.

    There is a motto I like : "Beware if you're first, because you will always have somebody behind you". I'm not sure if I translated well, but that's interesting : if you're the best in something, you will always have somebody trying to beat your ass. If you're not, you're the one trying to beat the best's ass, and that's waaaaay funier than getting kicked :D
    Anyway, I don't know if you will be one day the most amazing and talented artist in the world, but I really think you're one of the most amazing photograph I know. Even if you're young, and even if the girl that started at the same time is better, blah blah, it doesn't matter.

    You're great.
