Monday 19 December 2011

Day 6
Today's picture was going to be another photo-manipulation but as I was editing the picture I've found out that I still lack of enough Photoshop skills to complete that task, so there you have me.
I have a problem with my self-portaits and it is that I get SO sick and tired of them at a very short period ot time wether it is for the edit, the pose, the face, whatever. I just don't feel like uploading much self-portaits which are only focused on my face anywhere 'cause it is something I need to work on quite a lot.
Today has been quite a relaxing day at school, we gave presents to eachother in class because we did like a 'game' or however you might call it in which you have to give a present to a class partner and she/he doesn't have to know who the person is until the present is given. And I got an AMAZING DANCING SANTA CLAUS which was a lovely present from Isa. It makes me giggle. A lot.
(Click on it to see it dance!)

It had sweets in it! 

Later I took pictures on my parents room (Where the light is better) and later I saw my doggy sleeping all wrapped up in a blanket and I couldn't stop thinking how sweet she was!
Later I had my last English class 'til next term starts and I ate some butter biscuits with my English teacher, I also gave her a box of chocolates and for my surprise she gave me a box with butter scottish biscuits, GO HER!
The biscuits we ate and the box of chocolates all wrapped up!


  1. Just perfect, just beautiful
    Guada, i love this picture! <3

  2. As your friend said before, you are amazing on this photo.

    Yay, you used photoshop, blah blah, but still.
