Saturday 17 December 2011

Day 3At the moment I feel excited/inspired/talkative/sleepy after a long day which I'm gonna divide into three parts shall we?

  • Morning:
At PE we did some weird test called 'Cooper' test, actually I didn't do it, just ran normally. Later I had economics, and as a surprise of this new year, I like economics, I find it very interesting and I think it's very practical as well. At French we saw 'Little Einsteins', worst thing is not that we had to watch 50 minutes of little kiddos with their loud and high-pitched voices getting high at everything, but we had to watch the same episode in English, indeed, we watch it all over again, but in French (kill me). Now comes a very funny part because at the break we went to the street and there was this woman giving out tickets for free sweets. They were giving sweets away guys. When does that ever happen?! Later we went to see a lot of christmas stuff and then we went home, so I can assure that today I just had a productive hour at school.

I arrived home, ate and then took a nap which lasted forever and when I woke up I had to bring my sister to art classes and I noticed that I was late when I was in the middle of taking a shower, thus I ended up on the street running with my sister with all the hair wet and shouting. Nice. Later I met up with Laury, Bea and Paloma, because today is Bea's birthday! We exchanged presents (I have her a bracelet and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt and she gave me this very weird green ball, a slingshot which is also a pencil and a bracelet too!) and I did one of those awful and stupid mistakes you want to slap yourself: I thought I had charged my battery but it was almost over... Which meant I could just take a few shots and one of them must be the picture of the day and then we had dinner at McDonald's Anyways, I took like 10 pictures of bokeh of Christmas' street lighting and just a picture of Bea looking at a lighting snowman, yes, this picture. I don't know, Bea might as well kill me for this but HEY Bea thank you for posing and look, you look very interesting and mysterious!

  • Night:
I watched some tutorials and as always they made me feel like taking tons and tons of pictures, then I watched with my mum 'Love actually' in English without subtitles so my mum didn't understand a thing. I must say the stories in Love Actually are so beautiful and surreal that will give me high expectations, just sayin'.


  1. Interesting and mysterious my ass.

    JAJAJA Es coña, en verdad mola. Te presento mi blog de Historia del Arte.


  2. I really love how you turn simplicity into perfection. :3
