Saturday 31 December 2011

Day 18
 (There are some days  like today that the light is just awful, I don't know how to explain it, but on those days I reeeaally need to make the grain dissapear)
''I have a feeling tonight.
This feeling has a lot to do with the fact that tonight, new year's eve, I'm staying at home while everybody's out having a great time. 
Why am I at home? Unallowance. That's how I can describe my anger. 
I think I've always had those unconvetional and very sad starts of years, I would think 'Come on, let's do if this year the best one!' Thinking that by saying that, January wouldn't suck. 
But I'm quite convinced that the beginning of a year has nothing to do with the rest of it.
This year will be tough: School is harder than ever, I'll be caged in these four walls for a very long, long time. And I need to face it. I need to make this as sweet as possible, and I need to have sure that my future will be bright.
Freedom is sweet. 
I want freedom. But I need to win it.
Meanwhile I'm writing this, my friends will be wearing their dresses and tuxedos, drinking, dancing...
It's just a party night, but it is another night added to those nights that I felt insecure, and sad.
I'm willing to change that, I hope that my parents do to.''


I remember that I started it last 7th January, and I can't quite believe it's ended! It is so nice, now I have 52 pictures and writings,  52 thoughts that I had all this year. This year has been magnificent. I've been in love, I travelled, I went to a summer festival, I went for my very first time to prom... He broke my heart, I want to get out of this city, I tasted the bitterness of being quite trashy.
It all has an upside and downside, I guess. But I can surely say this has been one of my bests years!
After the sun, it comes the rain, or sometimes a tornado, which I will call 2012.

Hello 2012, be gentle.


  1. a late happy new year
    and I wish you all the best for 2012, especially a succes on the project :)
    btw. I'm going to start a 52 weeks project this week and I hope I will succeed it..but I'm still thinking to write every week another thought, like you did..but I don't know if I can do that

    I was home too, on newyears eve..
    and I was thinking the same as you were...but otherwise my dad was alone for the third I was quiet happy that I didn't found something else to do and we had a great time :)

    btw. I like the contrast of the red and white on this picture

  2. Guada! no pongas esta letra tan pequeña que ya no voy a necesitar las gafas, si no una lupa! :P

  3. hello:)i really like the picture for today! Okay I actually like all of your pictures^.^ . And I know what it is like when all your friends start going out when they are like 13 or 14 (crazy isn't it?), and when you then turn 15 or 16 and want to go out too, your parents won't let you:(

    but anyways the point I want to make is that once you experience going out, parties (and drinking) you will most probably soon see that your 'longing' for those things decreases:)
    (I kinda missed it, didn't i xD)

    and you've already been to prom! that sounds wonderful:)

    I wish you all the best for the year!
