Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 19

Okay guys. Before you decide to stop following this project forever I have som reasons why this picture is here:
  • I don't have my DSLR camera.
  • My brother had to use his camera (Which was the one that I was using lately)
  • I was about to use the most crappy camera that I have in my house, which works with batteries and has 3 megapixels... The batteries didn't work.
  • SO! I had to use my webcam. And I decided to take this 'heart' (If you hadn't noticed that's a heart I might kill myself, IT TOOK ME FOREVER THIS PICTURE).
So yes. Again. Sorry for this picture. Is not good at all, but I SHALL NOT STOP THIS PROJECT!...
...God I need a camera.


  1. Puede que la calidad de la imagen no sea muy buena, pero la idea es genial! Sobretodo adoro tus poses xD Espero que te pases por mi blog y que hayas leído el comentario que te dejé en tu post nº 16 en el que decías que no sabías responder a los comentarios.
    Adoro tu blog, de verdad.

  2. HOLA! Muchísimas gracias por este mensaje y el anterior, aun ando un poco (Demasiado) perdida en el blogspot, así que perdón por no responderte a los mensajes! La calidad de mis fotos va en descenso, no hago más que bajar de rango de cámaras! jajajjaja

  3. this is something totally different but I really love it :)
    I just love the idea
    it's great to know that you never give up even while you don't have a camera...

  4. I don't like the editing of the colours, but the idea (heart) is great :)

  5. God, this is AWESOME xD No, seriously, I'm fracking in love with your ideas xD

    (You even manage to be cute with a shitty camera !)
