Monday 16 January 2012

Day 32

Okay. Before I talk about this day, I'd love to thank to every single one of you who is worrying for my obviously stressful contest. Seriously. It means the world to me, and I'm very, very happy I received some lovely messages wishing me the best and helping me. I mean, a 'thank you' are just two words, but I just feel overwhelmed by how much you decided to worry for this stupid brat who is wanting to win a contest to win that retarded boy from another school. I'm really, really grateful to have every single one of you.I'd say seriously 1932731298123 more times so I'll just say some more: Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously, Seriously.

Today  I woke up at 8 am, headed to the airport and at aproximately 12 o'clock I was in Madrid meeting with my cousins. It's always nice to meet with your family and even though I was worried because of the votes I had a great time walking with them on a very huge park they have in Madrid. Later my cousins voted for me and my little cousin was willing to tell me how many votes I had, but I didn't want to get stressed or nervous, in fact, I didn't want to think of the competition once there in Madrid, was impossible of course but I did my best! 
It was a pity I still don't have my sony alpha 33 with me 'cause I saw this amazingly and stunningly golden hour and with my brother's camera I couldn't really catch the sunrays like I like to catch them. I did the best I could with this sh... camera! :D

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