Monday 23 January 2012

Day 40
Sorry for the bad quality! It was unfixable. Or however you say it's not fixable.
Actually. The picture of today was going to be a whole different thing, but I might develop the idea another day, because as you can see the light was appropiate and I did my best to try and compensate it, but it was almost impossible.
Today I've been extremely and helplessly pensive. I couldn't help it. At school I wouldn't stop thinking about a lot, a lot of things. It's just as if all the things that are up to date affecting my life massively decided to come into me, and made me realize they were there today.
I was in another world. Thinking about exams, about some relationships I might have to fix, the contest, the holidays, the hairdressers'. It was a non stopping state of thinking. And it was annoying me. But I can't avoid them, because those topics are the ones that are currently running my life. 


  1. Och god, i love this photo! Its soo beautiful, really :3

  2. I kinda love the atmosphere on this can call it bad quality, but i like it :D

    and I want to do you do this thing with your hair?

  3. Thank you so much Frania and Use imagination! :D :D Frania, the hair thing it's just a mixture of two pictures, it's not very hard to do :D
